Frequently Asked Questions
The following are the most frequently asked questions on our mission as the NETG, building
5D communities, & the spiritual awakening journey.
Q. What is happening on the planet?
A. This is a multi-dimensional question! Essentially, what is happening on the planet is that we are making what is known as a quantum leap in consciousness. These quantum leaps occur at the destiny points and always involve chaos, tumultuous energy, & a death and rebirth of some sort. We are hitting the quantum leap as a new form of human will emerge. We will be transitioning out of lower human form, and into galactic/divine humans. This is occurring in a transition and the rate of this process is unknown, however, we do know that this transition is constantly speeding up as more and more beings awaken out of the illusion and begin to rise in consciousness.
This is the final lifetime in which we were destined to ascend. Hence why the Mayan Calendar stopped on December 21, 2012. This was not the end of humanity, but the end of TIME, as we were destined to enter the Golden Age, 5D where time no longer exists. This is the Book of Revelations, the Hopi Prophecy, and many other predictions of this moment of a quantum leap in human consciousness.
Q. What is God?
A. God/ the source/ intelligent energy (pure love) exists as pure awareness of itself.
Source energy is made up of two things: love & the unknown. Source, expresses and learns through infinite potentials and possibilities through each soul that has been birthed from Source. Source is the oversoul, all experiences, wisdom & knowledge goes back to Source. Therefore, God exists within all things that have been birthed from Creation. We all hold a God Self, a fractal of Prime Source.
The feminine energy is the yin energy. It holds the creative powers hence why feminine are the vessels in which life is birthed. They receive, cultivate, create & birth creation. Prime Creator therefore, is a feminine energy. The masculine/the male aspect of Source, is the supporter of Creation. The masculine role is to support & manifest the creative energy spark of the feminine. Mother of All Creation is Prime Source Creator, while Father of All Creation was and is the support of all of Creation.
This is biologically and mathematically explained in exploration in the following subjects ;
Sacred geometry, elements, bacteria, cell structures, quantum physics, ancient civilizations & historical accounts (Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Atlantean), Book of Genesis, and much more.
Both feminine & masculine are an essential part of Creation, however, it is important to understand the roles as God as been flipped in the illusion to only be masculine which is against every Universal Law and every quantum physics/mathematical law of the Universe. We as humans operate under the “as above so below” concept. Woman give birth physically, Prime Source Creator gives birth etherically as the Creator, in co-creation with the masculine essence.
Q. What exactly is the ascension?
A. The Ascension is the transition from 3D, to 4D, to 5D. We, in human form, are ascending (rising) in consciousness and thus moving through a physical transformation into a galactic human form. This ascension process is marked by chaos, exposure of darkness and corruption, and planetary healing. We are remembering who we truly are, which is all fractals of Source/God and we all are Sovereign God Selves.
Similarly, Mother Earth is ascending (rising) from the 3rd dimension, where she has experienced pain,
suffering, taking, pillaging, and mass destruction. Mother Earth's natural state is a purified Garden of Eden. Our Host is going through this process with us, as She and We purge the density and trauma from our vessels, and return to love.
Q. What is the physical process of ascension?
A. No planet has every undergone a physical ascension, Earth is the first. It is unknown exactly what the process will be like, but we do know that our bodies will change from carbon based vessels into crystalline vessels. We will be transitioning into light bodies, which do not hold dense physical form, but are more of an angelic body. Our bodies will be self-healing and the aging/death process will no longer exist.
When you are in tune with your physical vessel, honoring your body and doing the spiritual work, you vessel will start shedding and releasing old emotions and density. This can sometimes feel overwhelming or appear with symptoms. Trust the process and allow these energies to purge. Drink more water, bless your food and eat foods that bring you joy, spend time in nature, take walks, dance, and connect with the elements such as water, earth, fire and air. Eventually, as you rise in frequency and purge more density, you will desire less food and you will require less sleep. This process literally means you are AWAKE.
Q. What is the emotional process of ascension?
A. The emotional process of the ascension is the most challenging, as we are typically very unaware of how many stored emotions we are holding in our bodies. The emotional purging is challenging because it will involve triggers. In society, they are teaching the collective to avoid triggers and to avoid triggering others. This is INCORRECT. Triggers are treasure in that they show you where you are still holding a lower emotion, belief system, or wound that is asking to be healed. The more triggered you are, the bigger your breakthrough will be. This seems counter intuitive because the mind is what likes to keep us safe and “protected” from these feelings. However, the heart/soul of the being seeks these wounds to be triggered so they can finally be healed.
The purging process will involve releasing through crying, screaming, expressing your feelings, journaling, speaking your truth and operating through self-care and self-love. Be gentle with yourself as there is a lot that must come up and out, and you must hold compassion for yourself and others as all beings are going through this process at different speeds and different levels of awareness. Trauma is the toxin of the soul and wild compassion and forgiveness is necessary to heal these traumas, as all of our vessels hold trauma not only from this life, but all lives.
Q. What is 3D, 4D, and 5D?
3D is the lowest possible dimension in existence. It is where all consciousness exists in dense physical form. When you enter a 3D plane, you develop amnesia which means you forget where you came from (the etheric) and you essentially feel separate from Source and all of Creation, even though this is an illusion. In the 3D, you can only perceive 5% of ALL energy in existence. This means we only perceive what we pick up with our 5 senses, which is extremely limited. We do not see the energy behind everything, which makes us feel that we are separate from one another, from the outside world, and from the rest of Creation. The 3D is confined by both time and space. This is the realm of pain and suffering, as that is how karma works in the 3D. We must have pain and suffering to know the karmic consequences of our thoughts, actions and behaviors. We live in ignorance or lack of awareness of ourselves in the 3D, thus we must have our internal reflected to us externally in order to see it.
4D is the void space. This is the space between the physical realm and the etheric realm. This is where the Astral Realm used to lie, which was dissolved in 2009 because the dark entities and lower frequency beings, were hiding in the Astral Realm while manipulating humanity’s consciousness,. The Astral no longer exists, but the 4D is now the void space. This is currently where the Earth resides vibrationally. 4D is not confined by space, but only by time. This means that anything we are manifesting energetically, lies in the 4D realm and only by the process of time, does that energetic manifest into physicality. Similarly, as we are raising or consciousness and the Earth is slowly purging her density, we are in the void space where only by the process of time, do we enter 5D. It is the waiting zone, the zone of manifestation and pure creation energy. It holds all possibilities.
5D is the etheric realm and beyond. It is not bound by time or space, but exists in the realm of infiniteness. Where all possibilities and timelines are happening simultaneously. The only thing that exists in that space is the present moment of now. In order to exist in the 5D realm, one has to embody pure unconditional love, which means we exist at a vibration of 500 or above CONSISTENTLY. What prevents us as humans from accessing the 5D realm is the mind. The mind is made up of the past, future, belief systems, wounding, and trauma which cannot exist in 5D. 5D is heaven consciousness, Christ Consciousness. This is the realm we are entering as a collective, which is why all wounding, trauma, belief systems, and illusions must shatter as we enter the beginning of 5D. 5D is full awareness, meaning we are not ignorant or in denial of anything. We are in unity consciousness, understanding that eace piece of the puzzle effects the whole.
Q. What is the EGO?
A. Here on Earth, Mother and Father had created the Dream Machine. Each being had a portal at the base of their brain into the Dream Machine. Its intended use was to allow humanity to have a direct portal to the Divine Inspiration from Source, to be able to bring dreams of love into reality. Mother had been emanating Divine Consciousness throughout Earth via the Dream Machine, the Dream Machine acted as a physical emanation and representation of Mother’s heart allowing all dreams of love to be transferred and experienced in physical manifestation. The Dream Machine is the God Spark, the emanation of the Original Blueprint and the lower forms on the Planet misused it, placing thoughts of illusion and fantasy into it that in turn effected the consciousness of humanity, creating a dream.
The Annunaki hijacked the Dream Machine and implanted the first fearful thought into the collective consciousness of humanity- that we were separate from Source. This fearful thought began morphing into what eventually would be the EGO programmed mind. Edging God Out. What the program did to Humanity, is it disconnected the fuses from the right brain and left brain, causing distortion, imbalance, and illusion. This was done so that the controllers could control Humanity. Through the disconnection that occurred, Humanity forgot who they were, so it was then easy for the controllers to fill them with all the illusory belief systems and rules, to be manipulated. They trained humanity to serve the darkness, to become their servants in the darkness.
The Right Side of the Brain is the “wholistic” part, because it’s the higher connection to the higher thoughts. Higher thoughts are unlimited and where all possibilities exist. The left side of the brain is the intellectual aspect. The left side of the Brain, when out of sync with the right, connects into the primitive mind or to the illusion of outside attachments. All outside attachments are an illusion. Through the silent evolution, the Big Shift, and through the activation of The Divine Plan that is unfolding, the right Brain and the left brain is returning to its original form, and is being “fused together” to create The complete awakening into full consciousness. This fusion that is taking place is an unstoppable event, FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS ON PLANET EARTH. Our advice is to allow, embrace, and let go of all belief systems, all illusions, and everything Humanity has ever been taught or told. Currently those that are resisting, are only hiding their light behind fear.
How the programmed ego mind operates is that it gathers or collects all the experiences of the past, to continue the experience of the lower dimensions or lower thoughts of unconsciousness. This is where humanity has fallen into. Its function is to keep you held down, or “dumbed down”, so that it can continue its survival. We say “Let Go of your anchor”.
Back when Mom first began doing research on the EGO (Edging God Out), she was unaware of the tactics of the EGO, and how it was affecting humanity. After figuring out that the EGO was the disease infecting humanity, she began to see how the EGO was operating. She then understood that the EGO was doing "The Flip”-taking everything from true reality and flipping it to the opposite.
The EGO mind is a collection of traumas, wounds, and belief systems that pass down from generation to generation through programming. This programming became so advanced, it began to implant into the DNA, causing further distortions. All dysfunction on the planet is caused by the EGO mind. The mind can only replicate from what it already knows, which is destruction. The mind is disconnected from the Heart, which is where one can access Source energy-creation.
The EGO represents everything love is not. The EGO is programmed to only focus on lower consciousness realities and thoughts. It sees everything as negative. This can be seen by humanity’s deep embodiment of shame, guilt, fear, unworthiness, and lack of self-love. The EGO looks at any situation and finds what is “wrong” with it, rather than seeing everything as a miracle and lesson or blessing, as love does. Because humanity is still living in the EGO programming, they can only project and see the negative in everyone and everything around them but they cannot see that they themselves are the problem. That is the ultimate flip.
The EGO can never be satisfied or fulfilled. It seeks external things to fill the hole that can never be healed until it looks at itself and acknowledges all the ways in which it is self- sabotaging through delusion, avoidance and projection. The EGO is a black hole that sucks the life force from the being, and in turn, the being needs to take energy from others around them in order to sustain. One of the biggest ways in which the EGO tries to fill itself is through food and sleep. This is why there are so many who can eat endless amounts of food but still be hungry, or sleep many hours per night and still be tired. The EGO is a parasite that sucks and sucks without any ending.
Humanity has no self-sustaining Source connection because they are still in the illusion of separation from God and from the Oneness energies. The biggest addiction on this planet is to energy. This was the product of the EGO program constantly needing to steal energy from others in order to continue to survive. This is done through control dramas and trying to manipulate and power-over others. The EGO feels entitled to things, especially the energy of others. The EGO believes it deserves something from everyone, especially from God, when it has given absolutely nothing back.
This is the flip that keeps humanity in lack consciousness and unwilling to give to others. In true reality, everything is an equal energy exchange. Universal law states that when you give, you receive. When one is living in the heart, in love, it gives freely out of love and receives abundance in return. The EGO expects others to do the work, and feels that they have “done enough” or “its not my problem”. That is the disease of separation. The EGO is cut off from feeling so it has no awareness of what is going on around them, which is the opposite of love which has full feeling and consciousness in all moments. The EGO always needs to know things, as it has no trust or faith. It is always asking the same questions when it already has the answers because it wants proof. True love trusts in God and the divine plan and has full faith that they will be taken care of.
Q. What is collective consciousness?
A. Collective Consciousness is the idea that all human beings are connected through their hearts, as we are connected to Source and all of Creation. Nothing in Creation can ever be separate, that is an illusion. Any thought you have is not your own thought. In fact that thought probably originated elsewhere on the planet, or thousands of years ago, but has been bouncing around the collective consciousness in which your vessel received the thought.
Think of all humans as both transmitters and receivers, and the collective consciousness is the database. ALL thoughts ever thought by humans on planet Earth exist in this database. Each human being depending on their programming, upbringing, environment and vibration, will be a match to receiving a particular thought. Because most humans lack awareness and intuitive discernment on what is their own thought, versus what is collective, they believe their own thoughts and become attached to the storyline of those thoughts.
Thoughts create our reality, and this is how the mind always manifests past experiences. It continues the loop of the collective thoughts and attaches to them as their own, thus re-creating the same lower experiences over and over again. We, as a collective, must begin to cut out all lower thoughts and detach from them. Any thought that does not bring you joy is an EGO mind thought. All thoughts that bring joy, inspiration and healing, are divine thoughts. In 5D, all communication is telepathic, and all consciousness is shared. Therefore, no one would ever imagine to have a lower thought because they could immediately feel how it would effect the whole. This is unity consciousness.
Q. What can I do to begin my awakening process?
A. You begin by accepting, embracing and allowing that everything you have ever been told is a lie. Once you can accept that notion, all belief systems begin to fade. This opens the vessel up to expanding in consciousness as new clarity, intuition and knowing comes online. The DNA is being activated and this is a completely organic process that cannot be rushed or stopped. Once you become awakened, you can never go back to sleep!
Begin by observing yourself, your triggers, your behaviors, your emotions and thoughts. Become the silent observer of yourself and how you react to certain people or situations. Start to notice where these are programmed behaviors and thoughts, and begin to get in touch with your feeling centers. Practice feeling into your heart when making a decision, or looking at challenge. Let go of the mind and the constant thought loops that are based on fear. This is where you begin to see the magic of the world as you let go of the illusion of the 3D world.
Many need assistance on their path of awakening because it often brings breakdowns, confusion, sadness, overwhelm and challenges. Trust the process and never lose faith in the calling of your soul.
If you need assistance, please browse all of our free resources under Events/Guides, & please visit our sister site for a full Library of resources including Guides, Videos, Blogs, Podcasts & more!
If you would like personal assistance to begin your journey, please check our sessions + seminars on our sister site: https://www.5dfulldisclosure.org/sessions-and-classes
Q. What is my role/purpose?
A. Every being’s role is to awaken and to embody pure love. Each being also has a very unique path and role to achieve that purpose. All of us are pieces to a grand puzzle that fit perfectly and intricately together. There will be those that are the wayshowers or the leaders of the ascension, and there will be those who are the wave of support for these leaders. Those that are the teachers, the healers, the builders, and creators. There will also be those that need more time and assistance with the transition and they will have the role of the student.
Your role is to do whatever your soul feels called to, and what brings you joy. Our purpose is our passion. Many may be unsure what their purpose is, as it takes time to unravel from all of the expectations and control of 3D to figure out what we truly love to do. This is the return to our child like wonder and innocence and fully surrendering to our heart’s guidance.
All of us are Co-Creators with Source! If you feel called to join our community of like hearted souls, and seek to be in service to Humanity, please apply for our council member positions!
Q. What the Role of NETG in the Ascension?
A. Here at NETG, our role is to provide education & training for all to be leaders in the Co-Creation of New Earth. We are here to create a community of lovers & givers who wish to be in service to Humanity through either education/teaching, mentoring & guiding, initiating humanitarian projects, organizing community projects, & networking with like hearted souls around the world to share innovations, ideas & solutions that can be provided to Humanity on how we can best transition our Planet into a galactic society where all are able to work in harmony, co-operation, unity & joy.
Q. How can I learn more?
A. Head to our sister website at 5Dfulldisclosure.org & browse our Library, 5D University, Podcasts, join a Seminar + more !